Bring TTS into Your Community.

TTS has a proven track record of shifting attitudes, and connecting people and ideas across a range of business, civic, educational, health, faith-based and social service organizations.

Host a TTS community forum

Dr. Wilson is an engaging speaker with incredible passion and knowledge. The information she shares creates deep thought and an excitement to take action. Her energy is contagious!
— Karen Tan, President and CEO of Child and Family Service / Ewa Beach, HI

Hosting a community forum brings together community organizations and leaders for a presentation by Dr. Wilson about TTS and to explore interest and opportunities about bringing a pilot to your organization and community. Dr. Wilson can also provide consultations, book signings and lead community conversations.   

Become the springboard of collaboration and connectivity that TTS offers. Community forums result in commitment from other interested individuals and organizations in getting involved in this movement. You organize your TTS training and community integration, and Transition to Success will help you organize your event to ensure its success.

Secure a speaker

Dr. Wilson is a captivating and experienced public speaker, and a noted expert in the fields of social work, healthcare and nonprofit management. She has participated as a subject-matter expert on various panels, delivered a commencement address, and been the keynote speaker at various nationally and internationally recognized forums and institutions, including the Alliance for Children & Families Annual Conference; Convergence Education Health and Human Services, National Quality Forum; Michigan Community Action Agency, State Conference; Harvard Human Services Summit; Senior Leadership Conference, Addressing the Challenges of Poverty Conference; University of Tennessee Medical School; and the National Child Support Enforcement Association.

Engage in training

Bring Transition to Success to your organization or community by hosting a TTS training session. TTS training gives your organization the ability to integrate the TTS philosophy and treatment methodologies in a train-the-trainer model. Once certified, your TTS trainers can train TTS coaches in and outside of your organization.

Our team can help you with the following:           

  • Strategic planning

  • Marketing

  • Fund development

  • Speakers

  • Community collaborations with the following types of organizations:

    • Healthcare

    • Human services

    • Government

    • Education

    • Faith-based

  • Integration of data collection

  • Integration of behavioral health and substance abuse screening

  • Multiuser/HIPPA-compliant multi-organization shared  recorded 0

  • Sustainability/reimbursable services

  • Research and evaluation


Other ways you can help TTS!